Work let out early today (1 p.m.) so I went to Kroger and bought all the usual Thanksgiving things like a turkey, some cranberry sauce, gravy, stuffing, green beans, onion fries, and cream of mushroom soup (for green bean casserole).
I alerted everyone interested (Leslie, Trelan, and my family) that I'm just staying home to read this year since I never get to read anymore. I'll likely do some design, lots of cleaning, and some work as well. I did invite Kira over for dinner around 5:30 or 6:00 and she agreed. So dinner should be covered and maybe a movie. She'll finally get her CDs back (oops) and we'll likely talk for a while. I'll likely turn the temperature down in the house to save on heating while everyone is gone, just run the fireplace to heat the main room, and use the space heater in my room to keep me warmer at night.
I canceled my WoW account today since I really haven't played the game since the end of September. Sucks to be me. I mean the game is fun and all, and I get into doing the different quests and whatnot, I just don't have the time to play.
I finally saw my dermatologist about my feet and received... not one... but TWO prescriptions. One oral (pills) and one as a cream to be applied to my skin. Here's hoping it takes care of the issues at hand. I've been dealing with the issue since way back in middle school, and I am seriously ready for it to go. Amidst all of this though, my doctor still needs to recommend a dietician/nutritionist.
I'm removing all the games from my computer systems with the exception of Panda's GL-Go. It's the one game I can always come back to. I can play over my lunch break and isn't too distracting to me when I am trying to do work. I've been contemplating selling some of my stuff as well. Gaming stuff anyway. Computer games, console game controllers, and maybe even some of the DVDs I feel like I have no interest in anymore. It sucks, but the decision would open up some funds I could use to pay my rent, pay Sallie Mae, or buy a Nintendo Wii I really want the Wii, but I think it's readily obvious which priorities come first. :\
The Bengals won on Sunday. We beat the Saints. That's very good. Even though Drew Brees did get almost 600 yards on us. :-O

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