Generative AI 101

What's Generative AI?
Generative AI is like a computer artist that can make new stuff, like pictures or text, based on what it has learned from other pictures or text. It's different from another kind of AI that can only sort or label things but can't make anything new.
How Does it Work?
- Learning Time: First, the computer looks at a bunch of stuff, like photos or articles, to learn from them.
- Practice Time: It then tries to make its own stuff and checks how close it is to the real thing. If it's not close, it tries again until it gets better.
Why is it Cool?
Generative AI can do lots of awesome things! It can help write articles, make art, discover new medicines, and even make more data for other computers to learn from.
Why Should You Care?
This is not just for computer geeks; it's for everyone! Businesses can use it to do things faster and better. For us regular folks, it means our online world will become even more fun and personalized.
So, that's Generative AI in a nutshell! It's like a super-smart computer artist that's changing the way we do a lot of things, from making art to finding new medicines. Pretty cool, right?

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