1 min read

Organic Chun Mei (Touch Organic)

Wednesday is Green Tea, White Tea, Rooibos, Oolong and Tisane (Herbal) Review Day!

Sometimes I get really excited about a tea I’ve received. It’s not as rare as you might anticipate. I do like a lot of teas! This Organic green tea from Touch Organic is seriously good!

Quick Info

FAB* Rating 4/3/4
Company Touch Organic
Blend Name Organic Chun Mei
Blend Base Green
Country of Origin China
Package Type Loose in tin
Price per Package $10.00 USD
Quantity 2.8oz
*Flavor, Aroma, Boldness

Black leaves mixed with stems and leaves of a variety of shades of green round out the loose appearance of this tea. These brew to an impressively good looking orange gold liquor (color).

This Chun Mei is a bit smoky, hay-ish and a bit brute to the nostrils when dry. When wet, this tea isn’t quite as aggressive.

Vegetal and smoky this tea reminds heavily of tobacco and hay.

There’s not really another way I can think of to describe this tea. It’s smooth if brewed at the right temperature for the right amount of time. Less bold than a Japanese green, but more bold than most Chinese greens.

I would recommend this tea to anyone who enjoys a good cigar on occasion, likes medium-bold green teas such as a gunpowder, enjoys a good spinach salad or brussel sprouts.