NO F'ing Way!
I'm sorry I didn't have the opportunity to place all of my race recommendations for this voting round. I wish I had gotten this redesign up earlier so that I could have. In the wake of this though, David Pepper won control of Hamilton County away from Phil Heimlich whose offices were fraught with corruption and embezzlement along with misspending of government funds for pork projects and unethical disbursement of funds and preferential treatment of contractors. Looks like Steve Chabot beat out John Cranley. Mr. Cranley looks to continue to hold his seat on Cincinnati City Council due to his loss. A bigger win was Sherrod Brown over Mike DeWine which we predicted. At the time of this writing, polls were still reporting in for the Schmidt/Wulsin race, and I refuse to believe that Victoria could have lost the election to "Mean Jean". I spent so much time and effort working on her campaign and I'm truly hurt to see her lose. So, I'll hold out hope for a forced recount.
HOORAY for Strickland as Governor. Ken Blackwell would have been a more apparent blight upon this Earth than he already has been. I'm so glad Ohio made a clear winner out of Mr. Strickland. Republican Mary Taylor won the seat of State Auditor, which I am happy about. Barbara Sykes has no experience really controlling money, whereas Mary Taylor has 18 years as a principal CPA. Here's the full breakdown.
Sherrod Brown - Recommended, and won (change from current)
Ted Strickland - Recommended and won (change from current)
Mary Taylor - Recommended and won (change from current)
David Pepper - Recommended and won (change from current)
Victoria Wulsin - Recommended no word yet
Patrick Dinkelacker - Recommended and won (change from current)
Issues on the Ohio Ballot. Voted YES on 3, 5, 6, 7, 13, 18, 66. Voted NO on 2, 4. Many were levee renewals. Some were proposed constitutional amendments. Issue 1 was dropped off the ballot by the State of Ohio prior to voting, but after ballots were printed, so no worries on the Worker's Comp debacle. The breakdown.
Issue 1 - Dropped from the ballot before the election date
Issue 2 - Passed, a clear majority. BIG LOSS!!! The minimum Wage amendment purports to introduce massive privacy concerns! The bigger issue is that it is an amendment to the Ohio Constitution!
Issue 3 - Defeated, clear minority, BIG LOSS!!! Looks like Ohio won't put up with slot machines in casinos and other select locations in order to raise money for schools.
Issue 4 - Passed, a clear majority. I can't remember if this SMOKE-LESS-OHIO Constitutional amendment takes precedence over Issue 5's passage or not.
Issue 5 - Passed, a clear majority. SMOKE-FREE-OHIO law, not a constitutional amendment removes smoking from all public places.
It looks like the Democrats picked up the House of Representatives. Which is great news! It also looks like they may pick up enough seats in the Senate, but at the time of this post, not all States had voted in yet.
Source of data: Local12 WKRC | CNN

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