Preparing Iced Tea
Iced tea is almost considered a carnal pleasure here in the United States. To be sure different regions have different preferences on how to make iced tea. “The South,” especially is known for ‘sweetening’ their tea by using a great amount of sugar. This is called “Sweet Tea.”
You’re not limited to pre-packaged iced teas! You can make your own iced tea using your favorite blend of regular hot tea! Here are some tips on how to get the most of making your own homemade iced teas from stock you may have on hand!
Instant Iced Tea
Follow the instructions for brewing regular hot tea on the back of the tea package, except increase the amount of tea by 50%. When the tea has brewed the suggested amount of time remove the leaves and pour tea directly into a container (plastic or glass) filled with ice. As the ice melts, add more ice to suit your taste.
Cold Brew Iced Tea
Place 8-10 rounded teaspoons of tea in a gallon jug, either loose or in two #4 T-Sacs. Fill the jug with cold water. Let steep overnight (at least 8 hours). Strain or remove the T-Sac. Serve over ice. This method requires less tea and produces a smooth, light, and refreshing iced tea. When using a Beehouse pitcher, place 4-6 rounded teaspoons of tea in the infuser basket.
Iced Tea From Concentrate
Measure 1 ¼ cup of dry tea (adjust amount of tea to suit your taste) Brew with 8 cups of water. Follow regular hot tea instructions for correct brewing temperature and time. Strain into another container and refrigerate. Dilute 1 part concentrate to 2 parts water as needed. Serve over ice.