Reading List - 2022

Each year I determine a list of books I want to read. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I mostly read via audiobook on my commutes to and from the office. Then in March 2020 that changed, and I didn't read anything until I made some changes to my physical fitness regimen and began exercising more. This has allowed me to start "reading" again via audiobooks beginning in mid-2022.

This post is dedicated to the books on my list for 2022, with an appendix that extends this list with impromptu additions based on conversations I have with others and any recommendations I've received.

The List

  • How the World Sees You - Sally Hogshead (Finished)
    This book is a kind of personality assessment, but rather than indicate how you see the world, it takes more of a marketing/branding approach to understanding how you best contribute and how to position yourself.
  • [INSERT] Deep Work - See Appendix Below
  • Breath - James Nestor (Finished)
    Nestor presents the lost arts of breathing, with interesting historical anecdotes and powerful stories, suffixed with simple tutorials on breathing methods.
  • Humble Inquiry - Edgar H Schein (Finished)
    Schein delivers a manual on how you can truly listen for understanding and absorb, rather than with the intent to respond.
  • How to tell a Story - The Moth (Finished)
    Founded in the late 1990s The Moth pioneered the quick format stage storytelling process that defines The Moth, including their radio and podcast shows, but also helped usher in things like TED Talks. This book covers the abstract of what makes a great story, why anyone can do it, and how.
  • Sex from Scratch - Sarah Mirk (Finished)
    This book is an interesting, if unscientific, look at modern relationship dynamics and what defines your relationship needs. Mostly this focuses on communication and openness with yourself and any partners.
  • [INSERT] What We Owe the Future - See Appendix Below
  • Powershift - Daymond John, Daniel Paisner (Finished)
    A well-written and read book by one of the more prominent members of the Shark Tank entrepreneurship reality show. This book didn't change my worldview or anything, but there are some solid stories and nuggets of wisdom.
  • [INSERT] Big Little Breakthroughs - See Appendix Below
  • Imaginable - Jane McGonigal (Finished)
    The best read of 2022 to date. McGonigal reviews the tenets of future thinking and works from novice to practicable activities by the end of the book. By far, the most thought-provoking future-forward read of the year. The skills McGonigal teaches methodically in this work can be applied by anyone to build a better, deeper understanding of the future while also being useful in any professional context.
  • Exactly What to Say - Phil M Jones (Finished)
    The shortest listen of 2022 so far. This sales-focused read is salient and focused on specific word choices to nudge conversational outcomes in your desired direction. Useful as a quick periodic re-read to reinforce habits.
  • Empowered - Marty Cagan, Chris Jones (Finished)
    This fantastic read is the most actionable tome I have found related to the formation, stabilization, and path of success for product teams in any organization. Marty Cagan does a fantastic job narrating the journey from concept to implementation and how to define results based on business outcomes. The one drawback is listening to the sound of his saliva. He either does better with this later in the book, or I somehow grew accustomed to it. It was worth it either way.
  • Ninety Percent Mental - Bob Tewksbury, Scott Miller (Finished)
  • Indistractable - Nir Eyal, Julie Li (Finished)
  • Ultralearning - Scott Young (Finished)
  • Think Again - Adam Grant (Finished)
  • How Democracies Die - Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt (Finished)
  • Why We're Polarized - Ezra Klein (Finished)
  • How Fascism Works - Jason Stanley (Finished)
  • Twilight of Democracy - Anne Applebaum (Finished)
  • How Civil Wars Start - Barbara F Walter (Finished)
  • Effortless - Greg McKeown (Finished)


These books were added mid-stream on recommendation or with consideration from others.

If you have recommended reads, reach out to me on Twitter.
  • Deep Work - Cal Newport (Finished)
    A great read on how to best structure your time for maximal productive output.
  • What We Owe the Future - William MacAskill (Finished)
    Not a super valuable read. But it does provide some interesting statistics and the occasional thought-provoking line of inquiry. I feel like the book starts poorly, and has a structure that lacks the forward-thinking nature the author attempts to suggest is so important. Good premise. Poor execution.
  • Big Little Breakthroughs - Josh Linkner (Finished)
    Recommended during a town hall event at work, this book focuses on innovation through micro and minor wins. It's not the big targets that always make a difference, but a series of Big Little Breakthroughs that can redefine a company, a product, a team, or an idea.